February 10, 2011

Feb 10th: FREE Endurance Nutrition Talk By Steve Born

One night only, tonight from 7pm till 9pm at The Granville Island Hotel.

15 Simple Ways To Improve Your Athletic Performance RIGHT NOW

Nutrition expert/author Steve Born will be in Vancouver tonight and talking about the number one thing most endurance athletes still struggle with, NUTRITION.

Don't squander months and months of training only to have your race go south due to improper fueling strategies. Steve is an expert in the field and will give you personal insight into what you may be doing wrong and how to hopefully fix it before your next big event.

Here's an excerpt from one of his presentations:

Proper fueling of the body prior to, during, and after exercise requires personal experimentation to find the ideal fit for you, the individual athlete. There is no “one size fits all” approach; we are all “experiments of one” when it comes to fueling during exercise. You need to determine, through trial and error in your training, what works best for you. However, there are some basic guidelines that will enable you to eliminate much of the guesswork, so you can more rapidly learn how to properly fuel your body, allowing you to enjoy higher quality workouts and better race performances.
Some of these recommendations may seem pretty foreign to you, especially in regards to fluid, calorie, and electrolyte replenishment during exercise, where some “experts” tell you that you need to eat and drink at or near depletion rates...

There is seating available and although RSVP'ing is recommended, you could still show up without doing so and more than likely squeeze into a seat at the back.

Any questions please contact Donna Wanless: adrenalinmarketing@telus.net

If you happen to make it out, I'll be front row center taking it all in myself.


1 comment:

Matt Hart said...

i wonder what experts is he talking about? or is this marketing speak? i've personally never heard a sports nutritionist say they think you can eat or drink at depletion rates. just sayin.