My buddy Erik Nachtrieb who owns recently took on the project of editing down my self shot footage from my West Coast Trail and East Coast Trail speed attempts. He just finished up the final version of my WCT recap and will start in soon upon the ECT version.
Here's the final cut, found under 'You Shoot, We Edit', and keep in mind it is a 'short film', not a trailer or a quickie but a full account of my run upon The 75km West Coast Trail on August 4th.
If you need anything similar done yourself be sure to drop Erik a line. As you'll see, his work is top notch!!
Gary I just watched the whole thing, wow! just WOW!
Are you planning on putting up on a site like youtube? I'd love to forward this to some people to check out. Really motivational.
Classic -- loved it. The audio was great where you were referencing your pacing to the conditions.
Wow! Thanks for the scenery. Another trail to but on the "to-do list"
Have you read this recent article on stretching?
Wonder if it is true.
Outstanding! The WCT has been on my radar for a few years now. Thanks for the the terrific doc/run report. What kind of camera and head-mount did you use? Thanks Gary.
Excellent video!-Very professionally done...Better than the HURT hawaii video I PAID $25for. Maybe you should make one and sell thru ultrasignup for charity- Just an idea-there aren't many out there!
Damn! So COOL!
All I can say is just --WOW! :D
Thanks all! I was really impressed by what Erik was able to put together from the footage I forwarded along to him.
Here's the online link to the embed'able version on Vimeo
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