October 19, 2010

Rogue Racer Review (video)


Outta the wilds of Northern Quebec and back in the land where sushi roams free and americano's cost almost as much as the gasoline at the pumps. There is another blog posting to be had here, in fact many more, BUT when I arrived home on Wednesday evening I had a brand new Montrail 2011 shoe to demo. Here's a video of my take on the yet to be released 2011 Rogue Racer racing flats...



Moogy said...


Nicola Gildersleeve said...

well, that's enough to make people want to come in and try them out at least!

Mountain Way said...

You put the head-cam on Roxy didnt you?!? If so, I got to try that with my dog's.

Great video.

Paul said...

Great vid! Dude you navigate that stuff better than you best mate Roxy there!!

Those trails look crazy!

Deanna Stoppler said...

Dude, that was better than a mountain biking film! Ha. You were FLYING. I am so excited to try the show. And, by the way, Roxy is a superstar.

Deanna Stoppler said...

You new that I meant "SHOE" right? I guess I liked the "show" too.

wiglebot said...

Nice, Did you say it was the shoes? I don't think its the shoes. Nice downhills. I run Lynn Peak in every type of shoe and don't look like that.

garobbins said...

Thanks for the comments all and no I didn't mount the camera to Roxy though that is a very intriguing idea...hmmm?


Boris T said...

Those look sweet!

NJ said...

I love seeing different technique on trails. I always try to learn something and from yours, I learned that I am probably not picking up my feet enough...still doing too much road style racing and not transitioning enough to trails. Thanks for the video.

garobbins said...

Yeah definitely lifting the feet along terrain like that is pivotal to sustaining speed and not eating dirt! I sometimes feel like I'm running football style tire drills out there.

Glad you liked the video!

Unknown said...

Looking for something just slightly more protective than minimal. How "cushy" is the Rogue Racer?

Gary Robbins said...

Hey Brian, the RR is surprisingly cushy, in fact they sound like they might even do a lighter version in 2012 if they can. I'd say it sounds like it could be exactly what you're looking for. It's not a full trail flat at all. I was impressed and can't wait to get back out in em again!